Thursday, July 23, 2009

Holy guano, Batman!

Mirabile dictu! The Virgin Mary has appeared under the 101 Freeway overpass at Argyle Avenue in Hollywood. She has taken a kneeling position, almost directly facing the nearby Monastery of the Angels, and has a wing-shaped aura about her caped head (an angelic protector, no doubt).

Our Lady of the Hollywood Freeway

The apparition seems to be composed of pigeon excreta, but my sources at the Vatican tell me this does not invalidate its holiness or its value as a tourist attraction, the Holy Ghost often being portrayed as a dove.

Neighborhood residents are bracing for the onslaught of pious pilgrims who will no doubt swarm the site within the next several days, continuing to worship the stain until CalTrans sends out the pressure-washing squad. (Note to CalTrans: while you're at it, please take care of the clichéd peace sign as well.)