Friday, December 3, 2010

Lake Como above Sunset

This 1940 villa by F. Pierpont Davis, situated just above the Sunset Strip, is having an open house on Tuesday.

8960 St. Ives Drive, West Hollywood

Davis was the architect, with his brother Walter, of the exquisite Villa d'Este apartments (1928) on Laurel Avenue. He died in 1941, the year after this house was completed.

The current owner has taste and a predilection for equine portraiture—both rare commodities in MLS listings. One wants to know this person as eagerly as one wants to shun the owners of McMansions. Official ownership information and assessed values can be found here.

A predilection for equine portraiture.

The architecture, if somewhat quirky, is substantial and stylish throughout.

Substance and style in architecture.

John Woolf, doyen of the Hollywood Regency style, reportedly did some later revamping of this house, which may explain the more contemporary look of the master bedroom.

The outdoor pool area is compact, due to the steeply sloping lot on which the house is situated, but is nevertheless wonderfully articulated and landscaped.

The listing is here.


  1. Oh, my. I was lucky enough to go on a garden tour of a property with a F. Pierpont & Walter Davis home - even seeing the back private exteriors was amazing. The Davises also designed the Roman Gardens courtyard apartments on Highland north of Franklin - I'm very curious about that property.
