Saturday, July 21, 2012

Weapons of mass germination

I just ordered one of these puppies from Lands' End.

It's not exactly the time of year to do guerrilla planting in Los Angeles, but I'll save the device until the rainy season.

There are several barren patches around here—parkways, median strips, freeway on- and off-ramps, unsuspecting neighbors' front yards—that desperately need an explosive dose of grasses and flowers.

Stay tuned for the photo follow-up. And order your own. Makes a great gift.

PS: If you're wondering, as I was, about why the company is curiously called Lands' End instead of the more correct Land's End: "The misplaced apostrophe in the company name was a typographical error that the founder, Gary Comer, could not afford to change, as promotional materials had already been printed." Thanks, Wikipedia!


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